Covid-19’s impact on town centres

Adapting town centres post Covid-19

A London borough commissioned a project to identify the success factors in reopening and adapting town centres during Covid-19 to consider how their draft framework may need to change.


To apply knowledge and experience gained pre-pandemic and to analyse research reports and data on Covid-19 to identify the success factors in reopening and adapting town centres.

The project would:

  • Build a picture of the situation during and post Covid-19 restrictions
  • Analyse data from High Street Task Force, Centre for London, Centre for Cities and other sources in the context of the town centre
  • Understand the role of key stakeholders
  • Educate stakeholders on how they could deliver change
  • Consider if any adaptions were needed to the town centre draft framework


The resulting report and action plan enabled the council to:

  • Identify interventions they could make in the short term to support local businesses
  • Map out long-term objectives by creating employment and workspaces (via empty units/assets that the council owned)
  • Ensure that the town centre remained easy to access and that residents were able to move around safely as lockdown eased
  • Provided recommendations that focused on changes that could also be applied to the existing town centre framework in light of the pandemic

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High streets, Marketing & Comms, Retail